Top 5+ biggest Web Design Trends in 2021

Amit Kumar
3 min readDec 16, 2020

Design elements and styles after a point of time demand reinvention and change. Incorporating the latest design trends in your website provides a fresh feel to it and gives an impression of your brand as a business that stays up-to-date on industry matters, aware of what is going around.

Trends Change, Essentials Remain The Same

Some aspects of the web design are always going to stay for they provide functionality and are crucial to the working of the website like user-friendly navigation, data security, and fast load times. They will always occupy the forefront of design and search engines with aesthetically pleasing designs.

Here are the top 5+ web design trends that the providers of best website designing services in Delhi are going to stand by in 2021 to ensure that your brand closely connects with the customers.

  1. Personalized Content.

Do you know why the increasing number of people love using apps? They provide a personalized experience based on user location, demography, behaviour and browsing history.

Personalized content works amazingly for E-Commerce websites which display the recently viewed, liked or saved products to online shoppers when they visit and this increases the rate of conversion and enhances the user experience.

2. Bold Color

Colourful minimalism goes in tandem with the notable web design trend of 2021: integrating colour in design! Bold and bright colours help your brand gain more recognition among your audience than the safe, soft neutrals which have been chosen by companies over the past years.

Read Also:- Top eCommerce Platforms for 2021

3. Thumb-Friendly Mobile Navigation

Mobile devices are extensively used and a web designer in Delhi offering just a responsive design for your site won’t cut it anymore. 2021 will be focused on creating websites that are thumb-friendly which means the placement of the navigation bar, menu and other buttons in the space where your thumb can reach i.e. the centre of the screen. Thumb-friendly navigation makes your site easier to browse and better your UX manifolds.

4. Dark mode

Utilising dark mode in web design reduces eye strain which is crucial in the current scenario when people spend a massive amount of their time online while rendering an ultra-modern look to your website. It also spotlights the essential design elements by darkening the area that surrounds them.

5. Mobile-First Design

Mobile usage has exceeded the desktop one. Hence, designing websites with mobile in mind first is what the best web designing company in Delhi does. A study found that half of all web traffic worldwide comes from mobile devices and this figure is likely to rise. Also, it is favourable from the SEO perspective as well for Google ranks mobile-friendly sites better since 2018.

6. Minimalism

Minimalism is the trend of offering a distraction-free design with essentials given the most preference that has been gaining momentum for a while now. It has been associated with incorporating a lot of white space in design but this doesn’t have to be the case. In 2021, we will see colourful minimalism that has the same ideology but no elimination of bright and beautiful colours.

It is hoped incorporating the mentioned tips and trends will help you gain furthermore customer engagement.



Amit Kumar

Works with CyberWorx as a IT Consultant and brings more experience working in remote development, marketing and business development.